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Should You Hard Wire Your Home Security System Article

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Should You Hard Wire Your Home Security System?


For the handy do-it-yourselfer, installing a home security system isn’t difficult at all and you can go as elaborate as you want or as simple as you like. The wire is very thin and easy to conceal underneath carpeting, baseboards and through walls and floors. However, you may give some thought to installing a wireless home security system instead of running wire throughout your house. While the wireless versions may be slightly more expensive, depending on the components, you can easily install it quickly and conveniently without worrying about hiding all the wires or having exposed wires.

The Advantages of Wireless Home Security Systems

Obviously, the biggest advantage is that you can secure your home without having to run wires throughout it. But you may also find it easier to customize your home security system if it is wireless and you can certainly change the parameters much easier than you could if it were hard wired. In addition, since it is wireless, it is portable and you can easily take it with you if you decide to move.


There are a wide variety of components available for you to custom build your home security system. You may want to start with door and window sensors and of course, you’ll need the keypad. But you can also implement motion sensors, glass breaking sensors and even sensors that sound if the window screens are cut. You can set up video surveillance and you can also use timers and lights to secure the outside of your home. You can easily design your own home security system by purchasing and installing just the components you want and you can just as easily add or remove components later. For example, if you later add a pet to your home and have motion detector sensors, you can get the kind that will not sound when your pet breaks the beam by walking across the floor but would certainly sound if a person were to break the beam.

You can shop for home security components and systems online and easily compare prices and features to determine which system would work the best for your situation. You may want to read some of the online reviews to see what others think about the different types of components and the different brands. You may also want to check with others in your neighborhood to see what kind of home security systems they have and if they are happy with them. By doing it yourself, you can customize your home security system to fit your needs and your budget and still keep your home safe.