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Remodeling With Energy Efficiency in Mind


There are several things you can do when you are remodeling your home to use less electricity and less overall energy. Doing so will not only save you a lot of money but will serve to protect the environment as well. In this article, we’ll look at some of the ways you can reduce your electrical and overall energy costs when remodeling.

Install Energy Efficient Appliances

Replacing any major appliance is a major undertaking that requires careful thought, consideration, and a good bit of research. While at first glance, the more energy efficient models may seem more expensive, you will save money in the long run and since major appliances usually last for 10 or more years, the long run is exactly what you should be thinking of. In addition, there are sometimes perks for buying energy efficient appliances that save on electricity and water, such as discounts on electric bills and tax breaks.

Change the Way You Light Your Home

Remodeling your home is a perfect time to change the way you light your home. If you’ve been thinking of changing to the longer-lasting, energy efficient light bulbs, now is the time to do so. In addition, after you look around your home, you may see that you need to change some of your light fixtures as well. Not only will you save on light bulbs, but you will save on electricity as well and you will be doing your part to help protect the environment.

Take Advantage of Natural Lighting

While you’re assessing your home for new lighting choices, notice in which areas you can take advantage of natural lighting, thereby reducing the need for additional electrical lighting. For example, can you install skylights or install more windows where you would best benefit from the sun’s natural light? You may even want to look into your options for solar energy and take full advantage of how the sun’s rays can light and otherwise run your home, such as installing a solar water heater.

The Little Things

Even the color of paint you choose can have a bearing on the energy efficiency of your home. Some colors hold heat longer than other colors and some paint is specifically designed to be environmentally friendly on a variety of levels. Also, consider using dimmer switches on your lights so that when they are on, you use less electricity. There are a variety of so-called “little things” you can do to make your home more energy efficient and save the planet and money.