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10. Drive Dust Out Of Your Home


The invisible yet omnipresent dust within the four corners of your house can have serious health implications on you as well as your family. The unsettling part of the dust is its power to make way for allergies, breathing and other health problems. Hence, it should be the priority of the home owners to remove whatever dust is accumulated in and around their home. For smaller houses and also for most homes removing of dust can be done with ease if one has the patience and the will. Dust gathers inside the house from the air circulated either through open doors, windows or through forced air heating system.

In order to drive away the accumulated dust from your home you must take the following steps for the best results. The very first thing to take care of is to keep the doors, windows and other ventilation areas properly closed and sealed during bad weather conditions. Extremes of wind and gale have a tendency to drive in a lot of dust from the outside. The next thing is to keep your indoors well dusted and neat. If there are curtains and heavy drapes then it should be cleaned once every week as they attract dust not only from the room, but also from outside through the doors and windows. If it is proving too arduous a task to clean them every week then you may replace them with blinds or shutters as they are quite easily cleaned. The next thing that is to be made dust free is the bed that you lie upon. This too should be cleaned once every week not only to drive out the dust, but to remove all unwanted germs or bacteria from it.

The next important thing to do is to clean you furnace filter once in a while. Usually such cleaning is undertaken once every three months. You may use paper filter or pleated fabric in order to capture the wandering dust. Further, the rugs, pillows, cushions etc ought to be taken out into the garden and dusted. Also clean the upholstered furniture and if possible always prefer the wooden variety over the upholstered ones for they can be cleaned and polished and made new. The next big step is to vacuum the room with a vacuum cleaner. The carpets ought to be vacuumed quite frequently. The lesser the carpet area in your home less would be dust accumulation in the place. And lastly but not the least is to plug your room leakages, ducts and install better windows and doors that are wind proof and upgrade the furnace filter.

The above points would undoubtedly give your home a clean, comfortable and dust free look and with a little discipline dust proofing your home can be a good pastime too.