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When NOT To Install A Ceiling Fan Section


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When NOT To Install A Ceiling Fan Article

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When NOT to Install a Ceiling Fan


If you’re remodeling a room or installing a new ceiling, you might be thinking about putting in a ceiling fan. Ceiling fans have become incredibly popular over the last few decades because they offer a great way of circulating air and can, in some cases, add an interesting look compared to the old-fashioned “plain white ceiling with a boring light fixture” strategy.

However, ceiling fans are not necessarily a good idea in every situation. Here are a few reasons why you might want to pass on a ceiling fan in favor of some other form of ceiling décor.

First, if you’re dealing with a relatively small room, you should realize that the installation of a fan can make the room seem every smaller. Visually, it will make the walls seem shorter and will compress the space. Even a low profile fan will hang down enough to create an almost unsettling effect in a small room, even if the ceiling is relatively high.

Second, if you do have extremely high ceilings you may want to think twice about a ceiling fan. Initially, it’s going to be very difficult to get up to the fan in order to clean dust and residue from the blades regularly. That’s probably reason enough not to go with a fan unless you’re a huge fan of climbing ladders. Additionally, the fan will be less effective at circulating air throughout a room if it’s located far away from people. You’re not going to feel that cooling breeze when your fan is hanging from a mega-high ceiling.

Third, there are times when other light fixtures will be a better choice. Although the variety of ceiling fan light fixtures has increased considerably over the last several years, it still doesn’t compare to all of the available choices in straight fixtures. Lighting can play a major role in a room’s appearance and you may discover that using a particular lighting fixture will be able to create a fantastic look in your home. It would be a shame to pass up on that opportunity for the sake of what may be an unnecessary ceiling fan.

Fourth, and we just touched upon this a moment ago, it doesn’t make a great deal of sense to invest in a ceiling fan if you’re not going to actually use it. Why spend the money and expend the effort to install a fan when it won’t be used that often. If you live somewhere with significant temperature extremes or that lacks adequate air circulation alternatives, a fan might be perfect. If you’re in a mild climate with alternative means of moving air through your home, however, you can safely skip the fan.

Ceiling fans are becoming so ubiquitous that you might think they’re perfect for every situation. They aren’t. In fact, there are a variety of cases in which ceiling fan installation can be a real mistake. Consider these four examples before you decide to add a fan to your ceiling.