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Tin Ceiling Should You Consider A Tin Ceiling Section


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Tin Ceiling Should You Consider A Tin Ceiling Article

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Tin Ceiling: Should You Consider A Tin Ceiling?


You are doing some remodeling and have always been fond of the look of a tin ceiling. In centuries past, these tins were painstakingly tapped out, organized and then placed on ceilings to create elaborate patterns. Some were done by hand. Many were one of a kind pieces of art. Having these in your home meant that you were someone of importance and prestige. Today, things have gotten a bit easier to accomplish, but the same look and feel of a tin ceiling can be accomplished.

Tin ceilings, or tin tiles as they are sometimes called, are pressed pieces of metal. A mold or press is created which presses into the tin creating a unique look. Each piece may have slight differences in them, but most of today's products are mass-produced and therefore you will not find much difference from one tile to the next. These types of ceilings are best for those who may be interested in something that is ornate, exotic and perhaps even just overly decorative. You can use them on ceilings, and some people also use them on walls.

When purchasing tin ceiling tiles, the first consideration you should have is your budget. The finer the quality of tiles, the more expensive they will be. However, also keep in mind that many of these are designed in faux fashion. In other words, they are not made of tin at all, but other materials, including Styrofoam. It is up to you to choose the quality of product that you wish to purchase.

One option you may want to consider if authentic tin is out of the budget is an aluminum alloy product. These are a good choice for the look of faux tin ceilings because they are highly corrosion resistant. They are durable and some will not attract dust. They are also more affordable than steel, another faux tin option used in some areas. If you are dead set on tin, you will find that these are harder to find and more expensive, but they are possible to invest in.

But, why should you consider tin ceilings over other types? To answer that question, consider a few things.

Do you want a decorative ceiling?

Do you love the look and feel that tin offers?

Are you looking for a product that will work better than plaster and is non porous?

Do you hate to paint?

Are you looking for something to really change the feel of the space?

If you answered yes to these questions, you should consider tin ceilings. They offer outstanding beauty and durability. They are a type of ceiling décor that simply cannot be surpassed by other products on the market.