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Paying Attention to Ceilings


We spend a great deal of time planning our approaches to floors when engaged in home remodeling. We consider the various types of flooring in great detail. Once we make a decision in terms of construction, we look through all of the available colors and patterns in an effort to make a perfect decision.

We spend even more time thinking about walls. The texture. The color. Paint or wallpaper? Built in shelving? Doors or open arches? Walls tend to be at the heart of so many remodeling decisions. Whether it’s the look of the walls, their color, their texture or what goes on/within them, we perseverate on them.

Meanwhile, we ignore ceilings. Although we might think about them occasionally, most of us don’t really do a great deal of ceiling planning or design. Unless there’s a visible flaw or problem, we seem content to stay with the plain white ceilings we had before we started the remodeling job. It’s amazing. So many great room renovations that seem to cover every detail still feature the “generic apartment” ceiling--an ho-hum, off-white, textured look.

That’s a huge oversight. Ceilings offer a great deal of potential to produce fantastic results. The right ceiling can “make” a room and paying attention to the ceiling can spell the difference between “just another remodeling job” and something exceptionally special. Doing something great with your ceiling is a fine way to communicate your attention to detail while simultaneously producing easy to notice results.

The next time you’re planning a room remodeling project, don’t forget to look up. And when you do, start to think about how the ceiling can help your room.

Do things seem a little cramped? The right color can make a room feel larger. Application of the right materials and the proper paint placement can create a “dome” effect that makes ceilings feel higher and that creates the illusion of additional space. Going for a more subdued effect in a bedroom of dining area? Consider slightly darker complimentary colors.

Texturing can hide flaws in a ceiling. The use of old-fashioned tin ceiling tiles can create a an ornate, “fancy” look. Ceiling medallions are growing in popularity because they can completely alter the way a room feels. You can even paint designs and patterns on ceiling to emphasize a creative design. The only limits to your ceiling are self-imposed. Let your imagination run wild.

Don’t think of ceilings purely in terms of fan installation and the usual “rolled on texture in white” approach. You have options. Explore them. The next time you decide to start working on a room, think about the best way to handle your ceiling just as much as you think about the floor or the walls. You might surprise yourself by discovering some exciting opportunities to create some truly memorable effects. Floors and walls are only the beginning. The job’s not really over until you create a perfect ceiling.