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How to Keep Your Acoustical Ceiling Looking New


If your acoustical tile ceiling is in a room where there is smoking, chances are it will take on a dingy, yellowed look after a while. Even without smoking, you may start to notice stains in some of the tiles, and just one or two stained tiles can quickly diminish the look of the whole room. While it may be possible to spot clean the stains, stubborn stains are likely to win out just because the ceiling tile is so fragile that you can’t put any elbow grease into the project. Try the stain removal first, if the stains only affect a couple of the tiles but be aware that you may be getting into a much larger project before you’re finished.

If you’re unable to remove the stains from your acoustical ceiling tile, there are several options open to you to make your ceiling look new again. If you choose to paint, some experts advise actually removing the tiles and laying them out on the tarp covered floor where you can then roll on a new coat of paint. If your ceiling tile is flat, this will be a rather quick and easy job; however, if the tile is textured, you’ll want to get a special paint roller that is designed to paint textured ceilings.

Some people would rather just buy new ceiling tile after going to all the trouble of removing the old tile. While it’s cheaper to paint the old tile, paint will diminish the noise protection the acoustical tiles offer. If that doesn’t matter to you and you just want to get off as cheap as possible then painting may be the way to go for you.

Whether you paint the old tile or purchase new ceiling tile, removing the old tile can be a challenge. Make sure you have the proper protection, such as goggles and a dust mask to prevent any dust or debris from getting into your eyes, nose, or mouth. Also, be sure and wear gloves when you are removing the old tile.

Once the tile is removed and you are shopping for new tile, you may decide to completely change the look of your room. As long as you are replacing the tile anyway, look around at the various textures of ceiling tile. If you are a smoker, look for ceiling tile that won’t show stains easily so you won’t have to replace the ceiling in the near future.

While you can buy specific tools for installing acoustical ceiling tile, for the most part all you will need is a sharp utility knife to cut the tile to the exact size you need it. Just make sure you use a straight edge as a guide so that you will cut straight.