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Ceiling Painting Made Easy


It’s amazing how much you can enhance the overall look of a room just by painting the ceiling. Just by your color choice alone you can make the room look larger or cozie, thereby dramatically changing the dynamics of the room. Although it can be a big job, planning ahead and making sure you have all the right tools will help ensure the job goes more smoothly. Let’s take a look at the basic supplies you will need.

Although you’ll certainly need a ladder and paintbrushes, you’ll have a far easier time of it if you also get a paint roller with an extension handle. You’ll already need to be up on the ladder enough as it is, taking care of corners and close work but you can cover a lot of ground standing on the floor, which will be a lot more comfortable than painting the entire ceiling perched atop a ladder. Look closely at your choices of paint rollers and get the one most appropriate for the job. Different textured ceilings require different types of paint rollers. Don’t forget the drop cloths and if possible, remove all the furniture from the room before you begin. Use extra drop cloths to protect any furniture that must stay in the room. Take your time and cover all the angles before you begin for best results.

If you’re painting the ceiling and the walls in the same color, you won’t need to bother with painter’s tape, but if not, you should cover the trim with painter’s tape, paying particular attention to the corners. After you’ve taken all the protective measures, it is time to prime the ceiling. While it’s not a difficult job to paint the ceiling, it is a big job and to keep it looking nice and to avoid having to repaint in the near future, make sure you use primer with stain protection.

Painting the ceiling the same color it already is can be dizzying, especially if that color is white and not noticeably stained or dirty. If this is something you’re doing, consider going to the expense to save your sanity and purchase paint that goes on blue but dries white. It is white paint but a blue dye that disappears when the paint dries has been added and it is well worth the expense.

Give yourself plenty of time to paint your ceiling and/or walls. Although it may take just a few hours, it could also take the entire day. If the room you’re painting happens to be your bedroom, you might want to consider staying somewhere else for the night so you’re not trying to sleep with paint fumes. Do open the windows and use fans to help ventilate so you do not get sick. Painting can be a fun project and is an inexpensive way to transform a drab room into something special.