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Ceiling Décor: Painting Tips


Ceiling décor may mean improving the paint that is currently on your ceiling. Most homes have a non-textured ceiling that offers a cover of paint. This is a good option for those who want a simple and perhaps the most affordable way to add something to the ceiling. Now that you have decided to paint the ceiling, the next question is, how.

Painting your ceiling can be challenging for a number of reasons; first, you need to know what type of paint to choose and what color. You also need to know how to get it onto the ceiling without having a big mess underneath. The following are some tips to help you to get through the entire process successfully.

Choosing The Right Paint

When it comes to color, ceiling décor can play an important role in the space. You should choose a color that compliments the room and the colors on the floor and walls. In addition to this, keep in mind what colors do to a space. Darker colors bring the space in, drawing the ceiling closer to the floor, making it look like the room is shorter than it is. Brighter and softer colors give a lot of style and dimension but they do allow the room to look larger. Choose a color pallet for the entire room that helps to create the type of space you want there. You can go with white, if you are unwilling to change up the color any.

Next, consider the type of paint. For the ceiling, you do not need something that is ultra durable, but you do need something that is going to cover whatever color and grime is already on the ceiling. Therefore, do purchase high quality. Also, consider the sheen to the coloring. If you choose a gloss color, you will give more shine from the painting. If you are using a sheen color, then you will have a brighter more vibrant coloring. On the other hand, you may want to go with a semi gloss if you want less of the imperfections to show. A final option is a flat paint, which will keep all of the shine to a minimum.

Painting Tips

The next step in the process is to paint! There are some ceiling paints specifically designed for this application. This type of product can be a great choice for ceiling décor because of how easy it will go on. Some will paint on pink and dry the white you have selected, to help you avoid missing any spots.

As you consider all of the ceiling painting you could be doing, do not forget the importance of color choice. You do want to choose a product that works well in the room and fits your overall tastes.